Wwoofing….ha?..What’s that?
Sounds a bit strange, doesn’t it? But the translation is pretty simple.
“Willing workers on Organic Farm”.
What is that?
Oh come on! You wanna go to Australia and can’t speak english!? Next please!

But seriously: On the whole, it is an accumulation of over 1500 farms all over Australia, on which you get free accommodation and food for approximately 5 hours labour.
With “farm work” I mean everything you can imagine!
This could mean small gardens, where a farmer and his cow grow organic vegetables to huge Cattle stations with over a thousand cattle!!
You can find everything from buddist communities, fish farming, babysitting, restaurant work, horse breeding and herbal gardens.
Thus each farm is different!! That is the great attraction! As Australia is huge, the people are completely different from one place to the next. The best way to get to know some of them is to live with them.
1 week, 2 weeks, it doesn`t matter.
I heard of Wwoofing guys that stayed 6 months on a farm! (And that speaks for itself.)
You get the chance to see and try other ways of life, cultures and to live with different people – you can learn a lot!! You`ll change as a person and develop yourself further, that’s for sure!
Of course it might mean that the work is very hard or a person is unpleasant. That is well possible, but that should encourage you to try something else.
Australia is a wonderful continent… and one of the best ways to discover it is “Wwoofing” 🙂
The membership (50 Bucks) and information about Wwoof can be obtaining in nearly every travel agency and backpacker centre! You’ll find these on every corner which is gonna get on your nerves (sooner or later: -)
Here is a link of farms in Australia about wwoofing.
Else try: WWOOF
If this shouldn’t be your type of living, try to find a Job that suits you better.